Our software development team is constantly improving RFO Central through adding new functionality, new features and general performance improvements.

Vendor Column on Tag Screen

New this week is the addition of the Vendor column on the Tag screen. This gives users the ability to add equipment Vendor names to new and existing tags, in addition to Manufacturer, Model, and Serial #. 

The Vendor column can be sorted, filtered, and exported just like any of the other columns on the screen, making it available to use in real-time reporting as well as to be included in exports designed for your maintenance management software.

Additional Updates

Other software updates rolled out this week include:

  1. Improved speed when using the Calculate button
  2. Ability to filter on the View Design (DE) column on the Tag screen
  3. Styling improvements to all pop-up windows

Animated GIF of the vendor column in RFO Central

New in RFO Central – Add vendor information to new tags, edit and multi-edit Vendor information on existing tags.